NutritionProtein 101 Written by Holly Archer16th April 201930th July 2020 5 years ago, if you mentioned the word ‘protein’ amongst the general public, the thought of bodybuilders would likely resonate. High protein diets and protein-based supplements were considered ‘just’ for bodybuilders. As the fitness industry has progressed and more evidence-based information has seeped out into the mainstream, protein is now becoming more known for its recovery capabilities. Protein not only grows and repairs muscle but is essential for most biological processes in the body, basically, it is involved with anything that needs building, repairing or forming in the body. Because of the numerous different functions of protein, it is vital that it is consumed in adequate amounts, not just for performance, but for optimal health. Proteins are made up of amino acids. Imagine a brick wall being the protein, the bricks are the amino acids and the concrete holding it all together are the peptide bonds. Just like brick walls come in different shapes, sizes and are built for different functions, as are proteins. Depending on the amino acid chain, this will determine the proteins function in the body. So, how much protein should you be consuming? Sadly, there is no definitive answer for the optimal amount of protein and is a case of ‘it depends’. The Reference Nutrient Intake (RNI) is 0.8g/kg which represents the minimum amount that should be consumed to avoid deficiency, however, this is generally considered too low. For optimal health individuals should be aiming to consume between 1.2-1.6g of protein per kilogram of bodyweight per day. For someone who is physically active and trains regularly, they should be aiming for the higher end of this scale towards 1.7g/kg/day. Example – A person who weighs 80kg should aim to consume between 96-128g of protein per day. If they are physically active, a recommended amount of protein would be 136g per day. In the case of bodybuilders who are training to build muscle, their training methodology is to physically break muscle tissue and to cause micro tears often through sarcoplasmic hypertrophy (we’ll cover this in another article) should be aiming to consume 1.8-2.7g of protein per kilogram of body weight. Example – A 80kg bodybuilder should be aiming to consume between 144g-216g of protein per day. Subscribe to our Perform Smart Blog to see next week’s article which covers protein bioavailability and helps you decide which protein is right for you. Written by Holly Archer Holly è una nutrizionista per la salute e la performance Read Next Nutrition How much Protein do I need? Protein is an essential macronutrient to include in your diet. The amount of protein intake should vary depending on your personal goal, whether that’s to gain muscle or become more lean. Nutrition THE SCIENCE BACKED BENEFITS OF GREEN TEA The current body of scientific evidence highlights several benefits with regular consumption of either green tea or green tea extracts. Find out more here. Nutrition TURF GAMES NUTRITION: COMPETITION DAY This article includes a competition day nutrition checklist and recipe to make sure you have everything to set you up for a successful day.