HOW TO SHOULDER TO OVERHEAD Written by Team PhD 2 minutesShare PUSH PRESS: Lift starts with the bar on the shoulders and ends when the bar is directly overhead with knees, hips and elbows locked. Dip, drive using the legs and continuously push the bar overhead without rebending the knees and getting under the bar PUSH JERK: Bar starts from the shoulders and ends directly overhead with elbows, hips and knees locked. Dip, drive using the legs to push the bar overhead while dropping under the bar with slightly bent knees. Once you catch the bar, stand up straight to reach the final position. SPLIT JERK: Lift starts with the bar on the shoulders and ends when the bar is directly overhead with knees, hips and elbows locked. Dip, drive using the legs and push the bar overhead while dropping under the bar with with legs in the split position. Once you catch the bar, bring both Feet back to starting position to reach the final position. Written by Team PhD Team PhD Focusing on all aspects of health and fitness, we are here to help you on your journey. More articles by author