
The Benefits Of Meal Prep

It doesn’t matter how hard and how frequently you train, if you are eating the wrong things, you won’t see the results you are working for. The benefits of meal prep are endless! It’s easy and will ensure you are eating enough of the macro nutrients your body needs.

Meal prep is also an easy way of developing healthy eating habits and making sure you always have a nutritious meal at hand with the right macro nutrients for your long-term health goals. It takes the hassle out of daily planning and cooking, leaving you more time for your training.

Planning is everything when it comes to meal prepping. Use one day to map out and prepare what you will be eating throughout the week, making sure each meal contains protein, carbohydrates and fats to support your training and nutrition plan.

The benefits of meal prep

Meal prep offers several benefits:

#1 Time

Most people will do their meal prep on a Sunday for the upcoming week; by using a couple of hours on Sunday to plan and prepare your meals, you are freeing up time during the week.

#2 Money

By preparing your meals in advance, you are avoiding impulse food buying & costly lunch purchases, saving you money throughout the week. Buying ingredients for your meal prep in bulk, will also act as a cost control measure.

#3 Control portion size, ingredients & macros

By preparing your meals you are in control of the macros those meals contain; there are no hidden calories, allowing you to tailor your meals to your dietary needs and training plan. Dividing your meals into portions and food containers allows you to control how much you actually need to eat to feel full.